GFS Crane Cloud is a hosted subscription-based service for remote device monitoring and asset management for server halls, mini data centers, ATMs, project sites or any organization that has mission critical dependence on high reliability and uptime of machines, devices and critical infrastructure.
GFS Crane Cloud for
Device Monitoring as a Hosted Service
- Hosted environment. Multi-tenancy to support multiple customers & organizations with data security
- Sends critical alerts to designated staff via email & SMS alerts
- Collects status, health and performance data from different device categories & different OEMs
- Displays monitored data, alerts and KPIs on a customizable dashboard.
- Provides analysis that helps reduce failure rates. Improve efficiency and performance of the Devices
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GFS Crane in action?
GFS Crane Cloud for
Asset Management as a Hosted Service
- Asset Discovery via SNMP. Non-SNMP asset details uploaded from spreadsheets
- Maps static attributes of assets from a central OEM Library to create a consolidated asset inventory
- Maps critical relationships and dependencies among assets
- Maps asset ownership hierarchy and escalation matrix
- Maintenance Management schedule; Sends alerts before due dates
- Based on Replacement Policy, identifies refresh options for an equipment from OEM Library
- Provides Visual display of Racks with U-space occupancy, including device images obtained from OEM Library
Best of Both Worlds:
Monitoring & Alerts at the Edge combined with centralized asset management & reporting for multi-site/server rooms.
Provides automated monitoring & instant alerts without physical manning & supervision of site infrastructure.