We have partnered with leading power and environment monitoring device and sensor manufacturers and retailers to provide end-to-end data center monitoring. Through integration of GFS Crane DCIM to these devices, we provide real-time alerts on power and environmental parameters, operating ratios such as Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE), and operational intelligence through sensor analytics based on real-time data captured from different equipment and areas of the data center.

Components of Self-managing secure wireless network

Smart Power Cables
Smart Power Cables that can be clamped on existing Rack PDUs to measure Rack Power.

Environment Monitoring Units
Wireless monitors that measure temperature, humidity, and differential pressure in data center cabinets and rooms.

Direct Current Monitoring Units
Wireless direct current monitors that measure energy usage for 5 to 380V systems on circuits from 35 to 3000 amps.

Data Diodes
Enables one-way secure transfer of monitoring data between two isolated IP networks via a unidirectional encrypted fiber optical link.

Multi Circuit Monitoring Units
Monitors for utility feeds all the way down to an individual device. Can be installed on a panel, junction box, busway tap-off or any other configuration.

Branch Circuit Monitoring Units
Monitors that can be installed on any vendor’s panelboard, RPP or PDU.