The foremost responsibility of a Data Center Manager is High Availability. To achieve this, the topology of the modern Data Center has been defined by extreme redundancies. This has made the Data Center capital-intensive, complex and costly to operate. Ironically, extreme redundancies multiply the vulnerable points, as some recent high profile Data Center failures have shown.
GreenField Software’s GFS Crane® DCIM Software addresses this DC challenge: how to de-risk the Data Center while helping CFOs & CIOs control over-provisioning or wasteful capital expenditure and reduce operating costs.
GFS Crane DCIM comes in two editions
1) GFS Crane DCIM for Enterprise Data Centers
2) GFS Crane DCIM for Colocation Data Centers
Built with modular functionality within each edition, GFS Crane DCIM provides a complete suite for Data Center Operations, Planning and Management.

For each edition, GFS Crane DCIM may be licensed as a complete suite or by DCIM Groups or by DCIM Modules.