We launched a new web site this month.

The new content reflects the new capabilities of our DCIM Software, GFS Crane. We have extended monitoring to every critical infrastructure device supporting a data center, including DG sets. We have added multi-tenancy and we have added features to support Managed DCIM Service that may be offered by Managed Services providers.

While the history of DCIM is intimately linked to Energy Efficiency, more and more customers today are deploying DCIM software for Asset Management, Capacity Planning and Business Continuity. During the last six months, our engineers worked closely with customers and partners to enhance capabilities in all these areas. We have significantly reduced manual efforts in creating asset database. GFS Crane Capacity Planning now adopts constraint-based approach to provide realistic and implementable results. A new module of Advanced Alarm Management with a dashboard provides analytics that can help I&O staff to predict and prevent failures.

The global economic outlook looks promising. Awareness about DCIM value has increased with the changing topology of data centers with cloud and highly virtualized infrastructures. We therefore have reason to be very optimistic.

As we start a new fiscal this month, I must thank our customers and partners for their incredible support to get us to this stage.