Posts by Shekhar Dasgupta

Shekhar Dasgupta is the Founder & CEO of GreenField Software Private limited, a venture pioneering next generation data center technologies for cloud infrastructures.

Tale of Two Disasters

Posted on: 03 Jul 2012

Last month witnessed two catastrophic Data Center disasters, presumably both designed to the highest standards of availability. The first was at RBS Data Center in Edinburgh. There was hint of a fatal human error caused by an inexperienced person while performing minor upgrade to one security software. Do we see the irony here? The second […]

Going Beyond Virtualization

Posted on: 03 May 2012

Virtualization was one of those pioneering efforts that changed the dynamics of computing and introduced significant operational and energy efficiency. There is however a misconception that Data Center energy efficiency measures stop with Virtualization. From server and storage point of view, there are two others that can contribute to significant savings: Retirement of legacy servers […]

The New Generation Data Centers

Posted on: 09 Apr 2012

There’s a pioneering effort going on in building sustainable data centers. Call them the New Generation Data Centers. Here are a few examples: Modular Data Center (MDC): portable, flexible and containerized (integrated with all components) to meet scalability requirements of ever growing computing demands. It’s the answer to rapid expansion of a Data Center. Amazon […]